York PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association)
York PTSA is an independent, non-profit, volunteer-run organization and part of the PTA umbrella that has supported our students throughout their tenure in Elmhurst District 205 schools. PTSA at York promotes the welfare of all York students and the York community.
We ask that you please join PTSA, and also please consider a Fair Share donation to show your support for all that your York PTSA does! Please sign up at our new Member Hub link: Givebacks
There are bundled Membership/Fair Share options under “Membership,” as well as a general donation option and the printed directory option under “Donations.” Any and all donations are appreciated and benefit the entire York community!
Your amazing support allows York PTSA to organize and/or help fund programs and events such as the following:
Significant monetary support for York Prom event
Back to School Bash
Senior Picnic
Senior Yard Signs
Duke Decision Day
Parking Spot Raffle
Young Hearts for Life (free EKGs for students every other year)
National Honor Society reception for all students initiated into the group
The annual student directory (Directory Spot app)
Dinner for teachers before the annual Open House
Dinner for teachers during Teacher Conferences
Annual Teacher Appreciation Breakfast
Communication via the PTSA e-newsletter
Advocating for and supporting activities that encourage a robust academic environment at York
Supporting and contributing to a scholarship fund for York Seniors maintained by District 205 PTA Council