Helpful Resources

Through professional development and networking, we become aware of a wide range of resources that don't always fit neatly into one of the other pages on the CCRC website. So, we are providing those links here, with a brief description of how each resource might prove helpful.

  • Notes from College Rep Visits, Campus Visit, and Special College Programs:

    • Use this spreadsheet to see the latest updates on the unique characteristics, programs, and scholarship info for colleges

  • Tuition Fit 

    • This is a link to a new resource that relies on crowd-sourcing. Students may join for free if they agree to share their financial aid award letters (personal information is redacted - but check out their privacy statement). Members create a profile and colleges can also "find" members based on their profile and try to offer better financial aid packages to lure the student to consider their school.

  • Consider Small Colleges

    • This resource was developed by a recently retired college admission professional. Since so many York students attend large colleges, we wonder if students are overlooking places that might actually be a better fit and provide a personal educational experience. This site will help you explore this idea!

  • College Diversity Programs 

    • This is a link to College Greenlight's compiled list of programs that colleges offer to students from underrepresented populations. These programs include fly-ins, travel reimbursement programs, and summer enrichment opportunities. 

  • Georgetown University Center for Education and the Workforce's Return on Investment Report

  • College for Everyone? 

    • This link is for a video talking about the "new economy" and how to make good decisions about post-high school education and training.