Career Planning

Career Research

York pays a site license fee to utilize key resources:

  • Naviance

This program has valuable resources for York families. To obtain your access codes and/or passwords, please see your counselor or come by the CCRC. We are happy to help and answer any questions you may have.

Transition Planning for York Students

The following Activities and Surveys are designed to assist York students in exploring and considering their future plans based on their interests, strengths, and personal reflection. Each activity and follow up survey is linked, below:


  1. Semester One Activity

  2. Semester One Survey


  1. Semester One Activity

  2. Semester One Survey


  1. Semester One Survey

  2. Semester One Activity


  1. Semester One Activity

  2. Semester One Survey 


  1. Semester Two Activity

  2. Semester Two Survey 


  1. Semester Two Activity

  2. Semester Two Survey


  1. Semester Two Activity

  2. Semester Two Survey: Email your Case Manager to ask Mrs. Thompson for the results of your Game Plan Survey and Copy your Resume information into a Google Doc that you share with your Case Manager.


  1. Semester Two Survey 

  2. Log in to your Naviance account

  3. Click on the "about me" tab and then,

  4. Click on the Final Senior Survey, listed on the left. Complete this survey.

  5. Make sure you've indicated where you want your final transcript sent in Naviance as well.


Parents and students are often, and understandably, concerned about the student's future path. The York Counseling Department, via the CCRC, endeavors to help students (and their parents) in finding direction. We have a number of helpful resources, two of which are explained in detail below. To the left, you will find links to both Naviance and SCOIR. Each have access codes and/or passwords. Please contact the CCRC or your child's counselor to obtain these passwords.



Freshmen participated in a large group activity to discover their four letter personality type, based on the theories of Carl Jung. Below are two documents that review what was described and a brief description of all 16 personality types. The most important aspect of determining personality type is to consider which characteristics BEST describe how a person MOST FREQUENTLY acts or feels. There are no "good" or "bad" personality types. When considering how personality type can impact career choices, remember that the list of career options is not exhaustive and other options not listed can still work!

  • Information in English

  • Information in Spanish

Features of Naviance

Naviance is a comprehensive program for college & career research as well as college application processing. Please note the features listed below:

  • College Search Tools: Naviance provides several college search tools, "College Search", "SuperMatch College Search", "College Match", and "College Compare" are all tools to help students generate ideas about colleges that match the academic and personal characteristics that they seek for their post-high school education. The "College Search" tool is a good way to start the college search process whereas "SuperMatch" allows students to fine-tune their lists with input about the importance of various college characteristics. Just try it, you'll see! The "College Match" tool connects colleges to you based on the characteristics the colleges indicate they want. Naviance makes the connection. This tool will also show students other colleges to consider based on the colleges they are considering. "College Compare" allows students to put several schools side by side in Naviance to compare various characteristics.

  • As students begin to create a list of colleges they are considering, students can add the colleges to the "Colleges I'm thinking about" tool. This will help students keep a nicely compiled list of colleges they have researched and will connect this information to the "College Match" tool.

  • Once seniors have developed the list of colleges they know they will appy to, they can add those schools to the "Colleges I'm applying to" list. This is a great way for each student's counselor to have keep up with what their seniors are planning to do.

  • Scholarships & Money is a section in the "Colleges' tab that helps students search for scholarship information.

  • The tools found under the "Careers" tab provide a variety of ways to find careers that match students interests and personality. These tools also allow students to research a range of careers based on career clusters.