AP Exams

Advanced Placement Examination Information 2024-2025 School Year:  

AP Coordinator Contact Information: 

Nelly Avina (navina@elmhurst205.org)

Amy Talbot (atalbot@elmhurst205.org)

Elizabeth Bernaciak (ebernaciak@elmhurst205.org)

 All AP students are given join codes by the instructor at the start of the semester.

  • Please see the tutorial video at the following link on how to register for your class with your provided join code. 

  • Once you join the class, you are registered for the exam. AP Coordinators will register everyone in the course. 

  • November 15th: Deadline to submit AP exam order for full-year courses and 1st semester courses.  Students registering for exam after this date will have a $40 late registration fee per exam. Second Semester courses will register at the end of January. More information to follow. 

  • If you no longer wish to take your AP Exam, please fill out the AP Cancellation Form.

If you or your student have any difficulties accessing the AP Classroom Website, please reach out to the AP Teacher or AP Coordinator.  For class-specific join codes, please have your student reach out to their teacher to get the correct join code for their class section.

Payment for full year and 1st semester AP exams will be posted to Pushcoin late in Semester 1. Fees are due in the Spring. More information to follow. 

Exam Dates Can Be Found HERE