namaste YOGIS

Tardy Policy:

You are tardy 1 minute after the bell (except 1st Period); the school tardy policy will be strictly enforced.

PE uniform

York PE Uniform Requirement

For the 2022 - 2023 school year, proper hygiene and wellness continue to be a top priority.

  • York issued shirt and shorts with last name (NO ART WORK & TORN/DAMAGED UNIFORMS MUST BE REPLACED)

  • It is an expectation to have and wear a York PE Uniform. However, if your uniform needs to be washed during the week, as proper hygiene is our top priority, you may wear any York-issued athletic spirit wear, school-appropriate dark-colored shorts, and/or dark-colored yoga pants/sweatpants. Student mid-sections should be covered at all times and proper school-length shorts are required.

  • Athletic shoes (Keep an extra pair at school if available)

  • School Issued combination lock (Can be purchased at the bookstore)

Medical Policy:

  • Parent notes may only cover 3 consecutive days. After 3 days a doctor's note is required.

  • If a student is out of PE for less than 2 weeks, the student will attend PE class and be responsible for all cognitive material taught.

  • If a student is unable to participate for more than 2 weeks, without alternative activities, then the student will be placed in a study hall.

PE Expectations & Routines:

  • Upon entering class and exiting class, each student must perform hand hygiene. Students should perform hand hygiene after the use of each piece of equipment as well.

  • Personal equipment must be cleaned by each student prior to use when instruction starts and after use at the end of instruction.

  • Use bathrooms before class or after class; class time is not for bathroom use.

  • Food/Drink are not allowed in the locker room.

  • Spit out any gum before class begins – NO gum is allowed in any PE facility.

  • Swearing and inappropriate language will NOT be tolerated; school consequences will be strictly enforced.

  • Theft, Vandalism, and Destruction of school property will NOT be tolerated; school consequences will be strictly enforced.

PE make up policy

If a student cannot participate in a given PE activity or assessment due to a variety of reasons they can make up their missing points. The student will receive a 0 for that daily activity, but is offered the opportunity to earn these points back by completing make-up opportunities (retakes). Examples of reasons a student would need to make up activity points include daily absence, not being prepared for class with proper, safe attire, and/or suspension or detentions.

Activity Day Relearning/Make-up Policy:

  • If a student cannot participate in a given PE activity or assessment due to a variety of reasons they can make up their missing points. The student will receive a 50% missing grade for that activity but is offered the opportunity to show mastery of assessments back completing the missed material. Examples of reasons a student would need to make up missed assessments/activities include absences, not being prepared for class with proper, safe attire which limits participation, and/or suspension/detentions.

Relearning opportunities/make-ups will be based upon the specific missed activity and learning target the student missed as follows:

  • Complete the missed daily activity per their individualized teacher learning target & activity within 3 weeks of the missed lesson.

Power Club Participation - 6:30 am in the fitness center

Yoga Club Participation - 3:15 pm - 4:10 pm in S132 on Wednesdays

30 minutes of cardio in the fitness center after school from 3:30 pm - 4:15 pm

Sign in with the teacher in charge and report back to me when you have completed the make up in one of these settings.
Physical Education Make Up Assignment

PE make up article review

*Must be done within 2 weeks of missed absence*
PE Make-Up - Community Opportunity

pe make up physical activity

*Only 2 per semester*

Pe grade breakdown

  1. Daily engagement – 4 points per day; do not assume that because you are dressed in your PE uniform, you will be considered participating. You have to PHYSICALLY and COGNITIVELY participate in class to earn your daily engagement points.

  2. Fitness Days (Polar Heart Rate) (State Standard 20) – Students will be assessed using a 10 point scale based upon their individual fitness levels and abilities based using Polar Heart Rate Monitors. All fitness days will also be assessed using a 10 point scale. 10 point fitness days replace a students 4 point daily engagement grade.

  3. Movement and Concept Assessments (State Standard 19 & State Standard 20) - Teacher and student assessments to demonstrate physical fitness growth and cognitive growth during various PE units.

  4. Effective Decision Making (EDM) – Being prepared and dressed for PE each day, dependable attendance, and follows etiquette/safety of activity & equipment.